Manuscripts & Meditations

Restorers of Alchemical Manuscripts Society (RAMS) Digital Library has digitized 296 alchemical titles.

The Alchemy Website by Adam McLean, contains over 5,000 images and 300 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy.

Internet Sacred Text Archive collects over 1,700 books on religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric.

B.O.T.A. in Europe offers the text of Highlights of Tarot by Paul Foster Case with images of the colored Keys and correspondences according to his presentation of the Western tradition.

Torah in the Tarot irrefutably demonstrates how the Jean Noblet Tarot pack circa 1650 intentionally hijacked earlier symbolism and used it to conceal Hebrew letters, Judaic ritual objects, Torah stories, Jewish holy days, and an erudite use of Kabbalah and gematria in each picture of the Major Arcana.

Atalanta fugiens digital edition with the fugues, emblems, epigrams and discourses in Latin, German, and English, along with scholarly articles.

Gematria calculators

Torahcalc considers Hebrew ‘finals’ in results, as well as offering 25 different calculation methods. You can also search for common Hebrew terms and words found in the Torah with an equivalent gematria value.

Shematria considers finals, gives results with calculations other than Mispar Hechrachi (Standard Value), links to Strong’s numbers at the Bible Hub website; includes a Notariqon tool, gematria reference to the Book of the Law, scratchpad, and Galay script meme maker.

Latin Gematria Calculator as taught by Paul Foster Case. Very simple interface.

Starry Abode offers calculators for Hebrew (‘finals’ not considered), Greek, and Trigrammaton Qabala. Other words from Liber 500 with the same value appear in the results.

Thelemistas offers Hebrew, Greek, Latin Cabala Simplex, and others.

Gematria Dictionaries

The Gematria Notebooks of Paul Foster Case. Searchable by numeral, but does not contain Hebrew letters only the Anglicized pronunciation.

Sepher Sapphires by Wade Coleman contains much of the PFC data above, and more, including Hebrew letters. Still in print and available on Amazon in two volumes.

Hebrew Gematria by Bill Heidrick. Results linked by numerical table for easy reference.


JD Holmes specializes in antiquarian, secondhand, and rare books (sixteenth to twenty-first century) as well as a large selection of esoteric publications.

Red Wheel / Weiser founded in 1926 publishes esoteric, occult teachings and traditions from metaphysics and magick to astrology, tarot, Eastern thought, and Western mystery traditions.

M. Moliero specializes in the reproduction of codices, maps, and works of art usually made on parchment, vellum, paper, or papyrus, published between the 8th and 16th centuries in the form of illuminated books, such as their excellent Splendor Solis.

Falcon Books Publishing catering mainly to authors and students of the Franz Bardon school.


Builders of the Adytum founded by Paul Foster Case.

Philosophical Research Society founded by Manly P. Hall.

Self-Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Original site

View the original James Investigates website captured by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.